Monday 16 November 2009

Help! I Need A New Angel!

Hello everyone~ Well, I started to put the lights on the Christmas tree this morning. Yes, I know, I'm very early but it takes me such a long time to decorate my home and my son is coming home for the Holidays earlier this year, so I need to get the decorating done. Since Canada celebrates Thanksgiving in October, we are free to start thinking about Christmas a little earlier!
So, I had the Christmas music on and got all the lights on the tree then to my dismay, the tree topper angel I have had since 1989 wasn't working. Twenty years, I've had her. She was so pretty sitting up there on top of the tree and now she'll only do in a center piece or something. Very disappointing! So now I'm on the hunt for a replacement. Have you noticed how big they're making the angel tree toppers now? I hope I can find one that is just right!Not too big, not too small, but just right. I feel like Goldilocks trying out the porridge and the furniture!

Have a beautiful day and wish me success in finding a new angel, won't you?

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi