Monday 7 September 2009

Blue Monday ~ An Award and Another Tour of The Homestead.

Happy Blue Monday!
Good morning everyone. I hope you're enjoying the long weekend. I would like to share more of The Homestead with you; the blues this time around.
I also have this cute award to pass on to you. Andrea at Arise2write passed this cute award on to me a couple of weeks ago and now I want to pass it on to all of you. Everyone who visits my blog today is welcome to take this award because you all inspire me. Thank you Andrea for thinking of me and passing this cute award on to me. It is also blue so I decided to share it today on Blue Monday.
The Homestead is a blue house so I thought I would show you the outside of this wonderful older house turned shoppe before taking you inside to see all the blues.As you can see, it is surrounded by a white picket fence. Who wouldn't want to venture inside this charming place? I could just move right in, never mind all the knick-knacks and wares!
The door has a sign that says, "Joy to all who enter." Now that you're inside, are you seeing blue? Aren't these gorgeous?

Blue in the glass case. Blue handled dish on the little occasional table.

I just love this blue wallpaper! You can't tell from the photo but there is blue on the rooster.Upstairs they have settees, prints, quilts, and lots of stained glass.
Blue candles.
This child's chair is so cute with the blue print propped up on it!

I love the workmanship of all the wood in the place!
I will have more photos another day but I will bring our tour to a close for today. Please come back tomorrow because it is a big day in my son's life!
Now make your way over to Smiling Sally's for more blue. You can click on the link or the Blue Monday button to the right. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and God bless you!
Sharing from my heart~Sandi