Saturday 15 August 2009

Happy Pink Saturday & We Have A Winner!

"Happy Pink Saturday"
I hope everyone had a lovely week! Here we are celebrating this fun event once again. Thank you Beverly for hosting Pink Saturday each week. What a great way to get to 'meet' everyone; new bloggers and the regulars!
Do you find the weeks are flying by? I am amazed at how quickly Pink Saturday rolls around every week.
Hubby is back to work on Monday and I'm back to my usual routine as well. *sigh* With Pink Saturday this week, I will be announcing the winner of my Giveaway at the end of my post. I am pleased at the number of entries I had and if I could, I would reward each of you with something just for stopping by. Thank you all for entering and for your lovely comments too!

Now on to my pinks...... While on vacation this past week, Hubby and I took a stroll through Old Charlottetown and I took some pictures of the flower beds that lined the streets down there. There was an abundance of roses along one street, and along another were beds of brilliant impatiens showing off their pretty little faces in the warm sunshine.
There were lots of roses in this bed; red, fuschia, and pink. I love the perkiness of these brightly coloured impatiens. They help make our fair City so pretty. Ahhh, summer!! I don't even want to think about Autumn yet!Remember the wedding we attended a couple of weeks ago? Well, all the trimmings were in pink and fuchsia.
Here is the bridal party. The bride carried a bouquet of fuchsia roses and all her bridesmaids were in fuchsia gowns. It was stunning!The Bride; isn't she beautiful? The cake table was decorated in pink and fuchsia. There were treats at each place setting; packages of candies and pink and white peppermints wrapped in pink tulle.

Now on to some indoor stuff..........I have had these pink lamps in my living room for years and I finally replaced them with nice new white ones. The old lamps, I have relegated to the family room. The pink floor lamp has been replaced by this one; an antique white lamp with a white shade and a crystal finial. The pink table lamp has been replaced by this one....
.....and this one.They are all distressed antique white with white shades and crystal finials. Only the little accent lamp above doesn't have a crystal finial, but I'm keeping my eye out for one.I love how the crystal finials add some sparkle to the room! I am a big fan of sparkle!

Now, I'd like to add some sparkle to someone's day....On to my GIVEAWAY. I had my sweet hubby draw the name from my pink cap.

.....Drum Roll Please......And the winner of my GIVEAWAY is ~ Traci at Cottage With the Red Door ~

Congratulations, Traci! Traci just started her blog in July, so let's make her feel welcome by dropping by to say "Hello." You can visit her here at

Please take some time to visit Beverly and all her pink participants by clicking the link or the Pink Saturday button on my sidebar. Thanks for visiting Rose Chintz Cottage today and have a wonderful weekend everyone. God bless you!