Wednesday 15 April 2009

"What I Collect" Party

Hello everyone~ Today I am once again participating in Yvette's "What I Collect" Party.

I have a collection of Willow Tree angels which are gifts that I have received from family members. Three were from my hubby and three were from my sons.
I also love birdies and I collect those too. Some are hand painted, some are spray painted white, still others are the way I got them. The rooster was a rusty brown when I got him. I brought him home, spray painted him white and then distressed him, as I did with the bird below him.
This little white bird I placed in a homemade tussie which hangs on the bathroom door. Guess I'll have to change that up now that Spring is here!
Avon wind chimes which hang in the kitchen window and my Avon bird collection in the 'bird' house.

I have more white distressed chickens and roosters, but you get the idea! Please check out all the other collections by clicking on the link. Have a wonderful day everyone!