Saturday 4 April 2009

Spiritual Sundays~ What Role Do We Play in Palm Sunday?

Hello and welcome to my Spiritual Sunday contribution this week. I would like to thank Charlotte & Ginger for hosting this wonderfully inspirational event. Please click on the Spiritual Sundays button on my sidebar to visit others today.
I want to thank you all once again for praying for my mother this past week. Your prayers have made all the difference!
As we are celebrating Palm Sunday this weekend, I thought I would share this today. I wrote it for our church bulletin a few years ago.
"On the next day the great multitude who had come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, took the branches of the palm trees and went out to meet Him, and began to cry out, 'Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel.'" John 12:12-13
I wonder, if we had been there that day, would we have taken up the palm branches also, only to desert Him like the multitude, when the going got tough? Would we have been caught up in the excitement and frenzy of the crowd, following Jesus because of His miracles and wanting to be associated with Him because we thought He was going to be the next great leader? Or would we follow Him because we loved Him and believed He was who He said He was, the Son of God!
Many times we get caught up in the excitement and frenzy of the moment.
Maybe we are attending a Gospel concert or a wonderful church service and we think being a Christian is where it's at. The world doesn't know what they are missing! But afterwards, we go back to living our usual life style and try to do the best we can.
Many in the crowd that day followed Jesus right up until His arrest, but once they realized He was going to be crucified, they abandoned Him.
When the going gets tough, do we also abandon Him by running ahead of Him and doing our own thing? Or do we become fearful and turn our backs on Him completely for a time? When we do any of these things, we sin! We hurt the One who loves us most!
We are to trust Him in all our circumstances. He is the Way and He will show us the way, even when all of our circumstances are screaming, "It's hopeless!"
If we have faith, then we will trust Him in every trial and tribulation.
What about our commitment to the Lord? Do we act like a Christian only on the night of the Gospel concert or do we live like we belong to Him every day?
What about our friends, neighbors, and unsaved loved ones? Are we reaching out to them with the love of Christ or are we keeping His blessings all to ourselves? Can they see the love of Christ in us or do we speak, think, and act the way the rest of the world does?
What does our body language tell everyone in the supermarket, when we are stuck in the lineup too long? When we finally make it to the checkout, do we smile and wish the clerk a nice day, or do we frown and make a fuss? Can those around us tell we are "different" because of the way we react in that lineup?
If we are God's children, then we are His ambassadors to the world around us. Let us represent Him well, no matter where we are or what comes our way. Let us not flee at the first sign of trouble or be selfish by hugging all of His blessings to ourselves. Let us be a blessing to others and stand up for Jesus! Palm Sunday, every Sunday, every day!
The Lord be with you and make you a blessing today!

Pink Saturday

Good morning all~ Pink Saturday is here again and I would like to thank Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for hosting this fun event. Thank you to all of you who drop by and those of you who participate..... you make it so much fun!

Today my pinks are as follows:
A bowl of pink foil wrapped Hershey chocolate kisses. Mmmmm!
These are my pink water goblets. They are so pretty with pink lemonade or sparkling cranberry in them.
These cupcakes are what were left over from Bible study the other night. One has pink icing and the others have pink sprinkles; can you see them? Very Easter looking, don't you think??
A bunny centerpiece. He has an iridescent glaze all over him so he looks pinkish in a certain light. He is surrounded by pink flowers and eggs.

Well, friends, those are my contributions for this week. Enjoy your day everyone and please click on the link to visit other pinkies today.